Muscle Protein Turnover
Traditional approaches for measuring muscle protein turnover use the precursor-product method with stable isotope analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This technique involves administration of 13C-, 15N-, or 2H-labeled amino acids and measuring protein enrichment. The isotopes are either continuously infused for 4 to 12 hours or a flooding dose is used to achieve a steady state. Both approaches have many serious drawbacks:
- Administration of a flooding amino acid can alter protein turnover by itself
- Continuous infusions require special facilities
- IV infusions restrict subject’s real world activities
- Infusion protocols are over short time periods
- True precursor enrichment within muscle cells difficult to measure – must use proxies (enrichment in plasma, KIC, or urinary hippurate)
- Experiments are costly due to sterile IV solutions
- Difficult to test many subjects at once