Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth linked to Coronary Artery Disease

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth linked to Coronary Artery Disease

A break though study has just been published that shows a strong correlation between people found to have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and coronary artery disease (CAD).  In this study, 1,059 patients were tested using the glucose hydrogen/methane breath test for the presence of SIBO. Positive SIBO patients were compared to SIBO negative patients.  SIBO positive patients had a significantly higher incidence of CAD as well as a higher incidence of diabetes and chronic kidney disease.  The researcher’s conclusion is that patients that test positive for SIBO should consider further assessment for CAD.  The evidence also suggests that indentifying SIBO and subsequently treating and eradicating the bacterial might help people avoid a CAD problem down the road.  Metabolic Solutions offers the home based glucose hydrogen/methane test for $129.00. Check out the link below to the published paper and order your test.
