Maybe a breakthrough -Probiotic Claims to Effective for IBS and Eradicates SIBO

Maybe a breakthrough -Probiotic Claims to Effective for IBS and Eradicates SIBO

A research group at the First Moscow State Medical University has reported that they have identified a probiotic that eradicates eradicates small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in patients who also have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  The probiotic, available only in Russia, combinated four strains of bacteria and is named Florasan-D. Florasan-D includes a combination of Bifidobacterium bifidum,Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

The study contained 64 patients – 31 with IBS-D and 34 with IBS-C. The presence of SIBO was confirmed using the lactulose hydrogen breath test .

The findings revealed that both IBS-C and  IBS-D patients treated with the probiotic experienced statistically significant improvements in several measures (abdominal pain and stool frequency) after 28 days, compared with baseline. In addition, all patients in both the IBS-D and IBS-C groups who had SIBO at baseline experienced complete resolution of SIBO with treatment. None of the patients with SIBO at baseline who received a placebo experienced a change in their status, the investigators reported.

Ref: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy News