People with lactose intolerance should pay attention to calcium intake

People with lactose intolerance should pay attention to calcium intake

Lactose intolerance is a very common problem those impact is compounded by loss of key nutrients especially calcium.  A recent study by the National Dairy Council showed that more than half of people with lactose intolerance fail to meet established standards for dairy intake.  While this message is a bid self serving it does correlate with other studies that have identified similar nutritional deficiencies in this population.  If you or a family member believes they have lactose intolerance the first consideration would be to confirm the condition using the hydrogen breath test.  It is very common for people to mistake gastric distress symptoms for lactose intolerance when it is in fact a different problem.  Don’t alter your diet without knowing for sure. But if you do have lactose intolerance be extra diligent to track your calcium intake and make sure you are adequately compensating for the lost nutrients provided by dairy.

Ref: National Dairy Council